Yu Okamoto ♀ / From TOKYO,JAPAN🇯🇵
Representative of Office NYUU Design / formed a dance group TABATHA
Choreographer/Dancer/Designer/DJ丹生a.k.a You Okamoto
office NYUU Design代表。
笠井叡作品「ハヤサスラヒメ」では第42回セルバンティーノ国際芸術祭(2014)、北尾亘作品「笑う額縁」ではSan Francisco International Art Festival2018に参加。
Wiz World Dance Festival2016(韓国・仁川)、Sibu International Dance Festival2019(マレーシア・シブ)にも参加するなど、多くのダンス作品を創作。

From Tokyo JAPAN. She studied classical ballet at the age of three from Takuya Horimoto and Shigeko Horimoto. Later, she moved to the studio of his assistant, Miyako Shidahara, and participated in the Tokyo News paper NBA Ballet Competition and the SAITAMA Dance Competition and received the Encouragement Award. Became a member of the entertainment company IVY Company at the age of 13 and studied jazz, theater, street and tap dances with Miyoko Tsuta and Ryusei Arai. After entering J.F. Oberlin University, She studied under Kuniko Kisanuki. Meet contemporary dance. She met Mr. Akira Kasai in a special class at a university and has appeared in four films so far. She also performed in Italy and Mexico. She named herself "TABATHA"
from her work while she was in school, and started her career after graduating. A member (performer) of the cyberpunk band "IJEN KAI". Since 2019, she has been working with musician Taro Okada (Waruishibai) to explore the possibilities of expression. She also has experience in choreography for drama works, commercials and music videos. Since 2015, has been a ballet instructor. Workshops are also held.
Dance history (now 2022)
Classic ballet 15 years , Jazz dance 6 years , Theater dance 6 years , Street dance 6 years , Tap dance 4 years , Argentine tango 1 year , Contemporary dance 14 years
2012年 NEXTREAM21 in RIKKOUKAIvol.11公開ダンスコンテスト一般部門 優秀賞受賞
2012年 トヨタコレオグラフィーアワード2012ファイナリスト
2014年 こりっち舞台芸術まつり2014春 俳優賞(Baobab「TERAMACHI」)
2019年 横浜ダンスコレクション2019<若手振付家のための在日フランス大使館賞><シビウ国際演劇祭賞>受賞
2019年 週刊オン★ステージ新聞「2019年オン★ステージ舞踊ベスト5(笠井叡「高岳親王航海記」秋丸役」受賞
2012 NEXTREAM21 in RIKKOUKAIvol.11 Public Dance Contest General Category <Excellence Award Winner>
2012 Toyota Choreography Awards 2012 Finalists
2014 Koritchi Performing Arts Festival 2014 Spring <Actor Award>
2019 Yokohama Dance Collection 2019 <French Embassy in Japan for Young Choreographers> <Sibiu International Theater Festival Award>
2019 Weekly ON ★ Stage Newspaper “2019 ON ★ Stage Dance Best 5 (Eisen Kasai with“ Takatake Chio Voyage Record ”as Akimaru)”